As a parent, you want to provide your child with every opportunity to develop and reach his /her potential. Professionals such as speech pathologists, occupational therapist psychologists, ABA therapist and other educators will be able to help you and your child in the journey ahead. But remember that:
– You know your child best
– You care most about your child
– You are the most constant and important person in your child’s early years.
Communication is an essential part of life. Through communication we connect with others, make our wants known, share ideas and let other people know how we feel.
For children with ASD, communicating is just as important as it is for other children. However, they face special challenges because of their learning styles and sensory preferences, which often make interaction and communication difficult. Fortunately, there are somethings that make all kinds of learning, including learning to communicate, easier for your child.
Your child will learn to communicate when he /she:
– pays attention to you
– finds employment in two way communication
– copies things you do and say
– understands what others say
– interacts with other people
– has fun!
– practices what he /she learns often
– has structure, repetition and predictability in his/ her life
If a child is diagnosed with autism, there’s a lot parents and therapists can do. No doubt, autism is a kind of lifelong mental disability and cannot be cured. Yet, parents and care givers equipped with basic autism training, extra care and mindfulness can make a tremendous positive effect in the life of an autistic child. They should also realize that autism is the integral part of an autistic child’s personality but is not the whole personality. Such children have normal needs like other children but they do not have tools or skills to tell other what they want. Their minds do not process the information like other normal minds.
Support Group for Parents of children with Autism